The known information on director Jesse Donk-Rains is as follows; he is raised on an organic farm in Mansfield, Ga, he loves Legos, jumping, drawing, youtube and playing games with his friends. His favorite foods are raw fennel, turnips, pasta and rocky road ice cream. He is fascinated by all things Canadian and is currently 11-years old.

It’s tough to imagine going back to what my 11-year old self was doing (roller blading with the neighborhood girls, playing basketball, discovering my friend’s dad’s porno collection) and be able to find room for “direct my favorite band’s music video”, but that’s the life of Jesse Donk-Rains. I didn’t have A.D.D., but dedicating a day of sunshine to creating a stop-motion video would have led to stomping on the play-dough and mimicking Godzilla’s roar – rather than a completed short film.

For the “Come Alive” video, it’s clear this is not Donk-Rains first rodeo. He’s matching up the lyrics with his sequences, building a narrative and taking that narrative to alternate worlds. Impressive stuff. We hope the next one has more to do with Canada.

Gringo Star’s Count Yer lucky Stars is out now.

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